QuexBook is a mobile learning module patterned on the Department of Education’s K12 Curriculum Guide (DepEd K to 12 CG) designed to enhance and strengthened knowledge about various subjects in Junior High and Senior High Subjects.
General Physics 1 is composed of almost 1880 questions with solutions and is equivalent to 2200-page Book.
It contains the following topics:
I. Units/Physical Quantities/Measurements/Graphical Presentation/Linear Fitting of Data
II. Vectors
III. Kinematics:Motion along a Straight Line
IV. Kinematics: Motion in 2D and 3D
V. Newton's Law of Motion
VI. Work, Energy and Energy Conservation
VII. Center of Mass, Momentum, Impulse and Collisions
VIII. Rotational Equilibrium and Rotational Dynamics
X. Periodic Motion
XI. Mechanical Waves
XII. Fluid Mechanics
XIII. Temperature and Heat
XIV. Ideal Gas and the Laws of Thermodynamics
QuexBook adalah modul mobile learning berpola pada Departemen Panduan Kurikulum K12 Pendidikan (DepEd K 12 CG) dirancang untuk meningkatkan dan memperkuat pengetahuan tentang berbagai mata pelajaran di SMP dan SMA Subyek.
Fisika Umum 1 terdiri dari hampir 1.880 pertanyaan dengan solusi dan setara dengan 2200 halaman Buku.
Ini berisi topik berikut:
I. Unit / Kuantitas Fisik / Pengukuran / Fitting Graphical Presentasi / Linear Data
II. vektor
AKU AKU AKU. Kinematika: Motion sepanjang Garis Lurus
IV. Kinematika: Motion dalam 2D dan 3D
Hukum V. Newton Gerak
VI. Kerja, Energi dan Konservasi Energi
VII. Pusat Massa, Momentum, Impulse dan Tabrakan
VIII. Equilibrium rotasi dan rotasi Dynamics
X. periodik Gerak
XI. Teknik Gelombang
XII. mekanika zat cair dan gas
XIII. Suhu dan Panas
XIV. Gas ideal dan Hukum Termodinamika